Tuesday, March 28, 2006

For All the Haters...

Hey, look what I have!

Super Soccer (or, Pele's Melay)

Parker (age 6, in kindergarten) is playing spring soccer.

And it’s a new era for Parker in sports.

No longer is hard for him to concentrate on the action – or easy for him to sit down and play with the grass.

That little boy is gone.

Now he actually plays.

It’s sad, really.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Double Dutch Bus...

It's official...I decided to give up my parking pass downtown and take the Gwinnett County Bus back and forth to work (work pays the cost of the monthly bus ticket).

Commuting is such a weird science. What time to go to work; what time to come home (my hours are somewhat flexible). Carpool? Ride alone? Public transit? If so, what kind?

Well, I settled on the bus because:

--> I like reading or working better than listening to books on CD.
--> There's a bus about every 10 or 15 mins from 5.30-8.20am; then 3.30-6.45pm - so it's flexible. If you carpool or vanpool, it's not so flexible.


The Gwinnett County Bus: A mobile office


I'm glad I did. For example, on Friday I brought my laptop. Some of the busses have tray tables like on an airplane. So, I had my Blackberry and PocketPC (for music w/headphones) hooked up to the window; had some of my work spread out, and I actually got some good non-interrupted work down, while listening to some tunes, and I can check/respond to email if I need to.

Good stuff.