Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Joke of the Day - Comfort food

Was talking with my friend Mark.

He's had a recent victory. His daughter Arden is now sleeping through the night.

Arden is 3. She would fall asleep with apple juice or milk. And she'd wake up during the night. And to get back to sleep - you guessed it - she had to have a drink.

Well, with some work, Arden's sleeping now. The go-to-night drink and midnights drinks have stopped, too.

I confided in Mark that we have a similar situation in my home.

"I know that I often wake up once or twice a night," I told him. "And I *have* to have a double chili cheeseburger to help me fall back to sleep."

"Happens at least two or three times a week."

True story.